In the late Heian period (794-1185), the Oshu Fujiwara clan, who ru…
The Motsu-ji temple was built by Motohira the second and Hidehira t…
The Kanjizaio-in Temple is situated adjacent to Motsu-ji. It is sa…
The Muryokoin temple was built by Hidehira, the third lord of the O…
Kinkeisan is steeped in legend. Reputedly, the temple was built in…
Takadate, a hill to the east of the Chuson-ji temple, is believed t…
With a history of 1200 years the Takkoku-no-Iwaya temple, is the ol…
Since ancient times, the area of terraces stretching from the foot …
The Hiraizumi Cultural Heritage Centre introduces the history of Hi…
The Hiraizumi History Museum is dedicated to the history of Hiraizu…
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