Path to Burial Mounds (KIKINOMICHI)
KIKINOMICHI is a walking path connecting spots concerning Ninigi no Mikoto, a grandson of Amaterasu-Oomikami(Sun Goddess), with the ones relating to his empress Konohanasakuya-hime.
It is named after “Kojiki (the Records of Ancient Matters) and “Nihon Shoki (the Chronicles of Japan) by adopting the letters “ki” from each ancient historical record.
It takes about one hour to walk from “Tsuma Jinja Shrine,” which enshrines Konohanasakuya-hime, through various spots associated with the Hyuga mythology in the city to “Osahozuka Burial Mound” and “Mesahozuka Burial Mound” of Saitobaru Burial Mounds. (The path is about 4-kilometer long in total.)
It is possible to trace a romance in the myth while walking around the city.
A free guided tour is also available.
The path won the 2019 Good Design Award.