Kamiya Iseki Park

The Kamiya Iseki Park is an archaeological site discovered in 1991 during the construction of a park.
As a result of the archeological survey, the site has revealed the remains of the Akunami Palace from the Nara period (710-794) and tiles with the same pattern as those used in Heijo-kyo which was the Capital of Japan during most of the Nara period.
We also found the remains of another building from the Nara period.
It is assumed this was the Akunami Palace, used by Emperor Shotoku when he traveled, as described in the Japanese history book Nihonshoki part II – written in the Heian period (794–1185).
(Nihonshoki part I was written in the Nara period (710-794) is the oldest existing official history in Japan.)
In addition, there is a well dating from the Asuka Period (538-710).
The jofukuji Temple, was said to be built on the presumed site of the Akunami-ashigaki Palace, where Prince Shotoku died.