Kirihata: Kaikawa Sanmi
A written record has been passed down stating that in the early 12th century around the time of Emperor Toba's reign, Fujiwara no Nagajo (commonly known as Sanmi Nagajo Kaikawa) arrived in this area with 36 members of his family and retainers and developed the Kishiro Villa (Kishiro, Kirihata, Oomaru) based in Oomaru.
However, there is no record of Kaikawa Sanmi or Nagajo Kaikawa as a court noble.
On the other hand, the fact remains that lords and landlords donated rice fields they developed to the Iwashimizu Hachiman Shrine.
On a small hill stands a stone kasatoba stupa about 40cm tall. Presumed to have been erected during the Muromachi Period, it's said to be the grave of Kaikawa Sanmi.
Between Kibogaoka and Hashiriochi Shrine there is also a natural stone Jizo carving of Sanmizuka Kishiro, which tells the story of Kaikawa Sanmi.