To the origins of the world's Toyota founder's invention

The Sakichi Toyoda Memorial House (豊田佐吉記念館) is dedicated to honoring Sakichi Toyoda (豊田佐吉), the founder of the Toyota Group. Sakichi Toyoda was born in 1867 in this area and made significant contributions to Japan's industrial development through his unique inventions and technological innovations. The museum is centered around his birthplace and showcases many of the looms he invented and related artifacts.

The museum's exhibit halls feature Sakichi Toyoda's inventions, such as the "Toyoda Wooden Hand Loom" and the "G-Type Automatic Loom." These exhibits offer insights into his technological innovations. The "G-Type Automatic Loom," in particular, was a groundbreaking invention considered the best in the world at the time and laid the foundation for the future development of the Toyota Group. The museum also displays his patents and restored looms, allowing visitors to experience his relentless effort and creative spirit.

On the museum grounds, Sakichi Toyoda's birthplace has been restored, providing visitors with a sense of the environment in which he grew up and how he became a great inventor. The barn where he first developed his handloom has been recreated, offering a glimpse into the origins of his creativity. Additionally, the grounds feature a monument honoring his achievements and video presentations detailing his life, helping visitors gain a deeper understanding of his accomplishments.

The museum is surrounded by beautiful gardens and walking paths, where visitors can enjoy the changing seasonal scenery. From the museum’s observation deck, visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of Lake Hamana (浜名湖), and on clear days, Mount Fuji can also be seen.