Popular Hiking Trail with Views of Mount Fuji and More

The Kosai Mountain Range (湖西連峰) is a series of mountains located on the western side of Lake Hamana, extending to the border of Aichi Prefecture. It is a popular destination for hiking and trekking, attracting tens of thousands of visitors each year. The area offers a variety of hiking trails suitable for beginners to advanced hikers.

From the mountain summits, you can enjoy panoramic views of Kosai City (湖西市), Lake Hamana (浜名湖), and the Enshu Nada Sea (遠州灘). On clear winter days, you might even catch a glimpse of Mount Fuji (富士山).

There are two main starting points for hiking trails: Umeda Shinsui Park (梅田親水公園) and Ochiba no Sato Shinsui Park (おちばの里親水公園). Umeda Shinsui Park is closest to JR Shinjohara Station (JR新所原駅) and is equipped with parking and restrooms. In late March, the "Kosai Mountain Range Mountain Opening" (湖西連峰山開き) event takes place here, featuring sweet sake, rice cakes, and stage performances.

Ochiba no Sato Shinsui Park is situated in the upstream area of the Imagawa River (今川) and is surrounded by clear water and natural beauty, home to freshwater crabs and medaka fish. This park also has parking and restrooms, and hosts seasonal events like the Ochiba no Sato Shinsui Park Festival (おちばの里親水公園まつり) and family activities.